Addiction Assessments
We conduct screening to determine clients’ level of involvement with addiction behavior surrounding alcohol use, drug use, eating disorders, sex and gambling, as well as a general mental health background. Assessment includes history of use, diagnosis, treatment plan, and referrals in support of the treatment plan.
Interventions can be organized for individuals with issues surrounding alcohol abuse, drug abuse, gambling, eating disorders, and mental health issues. Services include recommendations for the proper level of care, referrals for the proper facility, pre-intervention meeting, and travel arrangements. Once the intervention has been performed, we will transport the impaired individuals to the prearranged treatment facility, follow up with the intervention team for 9 months, and make appropriate referrals to members of the intervention team.
We work with individuals, families, and corporations, helping them to deal with drug, alcohol and other addictive behaviors. We can put together working guidelines to help deal with ongoing issues including action plans, implementation and recommendations.
Mentoring / Monitoring
We will implement an individual mentoring program that may include the following:
- Reintroduction to a living or work environment
- Referrals for therapist, outpatient care, sponsors, support groups, testing, physicians and any other medical contacts.
- We mentor/monitor clients for 12 months. We have open releases to communicate to all people who are helping the client on their road to recovery. We contact the client bi-weekly for the first month, weekly for 2-6 months, bi monthly for months 7-9 and monthly for months 10-12.
- For all local participants, we will have a face to face meeting weekly. We make arrangements for all of the appropriate testing.
Continuing Aftercare Program (CAP)
CAP is a yearlong, comprehnsive after treatment program that closely monitors particpants’ behavior for 12 months to keep them focused on recovery. This program helps the participant to become personally responsible for their own recovery. As supervisor / case manager, we hold participants accountable until they are able to do so for themselves.
The features of this program are:
- Regularly scheduled face to face meetings
- Resource planning and referrals i.e., intensive outpatient program, psychiatrist, therapist, sponsor, 12 step meetings and random drug testing
- Transition support
- Ongoing relapse prevention education
- Participant progress and accountability review
Employers and family members will benefit from the CAP because:
- They will not have to be in the role of the policeman
- Provides third party verification and compliance documentation
- Intervenes on possible relapse before it happens
- Time and cost effective
Consulting to the Legal Profession
Resources for Recovery is experienced in proactively working with defense attorneys to maximize care and minimize legal consequences for clients. This is done by conducting addiction assessments and recommending an appropriate treatment plan before your client goes to court.
This gives the defense attorney and the prosecutor information necessary to determine the proper course of action. You can feel confident that your client would receive the highest quality of professional assistance resulting in the proper level of care and rehabilitation.
That judicial arm can feel confident that an educated and trained individual has followed the proper course and the treatment plan and referrals provided help to get the clients to get the proper level of care.
This proactive approach is looked upon favorably by the courts.