Meet Stanley Stone, M.A.C.
Stanley Stone started on his road to sobriety on the 29th of November 2002 when he consumed his final drink, while on Thanksgiving vacation with family in San Diego California. Although he had not used drugs in 15 years he had continued to consume alcohol to a point where his life and those around him were being greatly affected. Upon returning from vacation, he arrived home for lunch on Monday to find his wife, his son who was to be in school, his sister on the speakerphone because she was too sick to make the flight, and his lawyer who had already been sober five years waiting.
The intervention was on and it was explained to me that I was either going to treatment or I was just going. After using mood altering substances for almost 40 years, I was sick and tired so I went to treatment. Stanley Stone entered Hazelden on December 3rd 2002. After completing 28 days of treatment I returned home with an aftercare plan and I followed it. I went to meetings and worked the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, and got therapeutic help.
After two and one half years, I found the company that I had founded was not where I wanted to be so at my wife’s suggestion I looked at the Masters program in drug and alcohol treatment at Hazelden. I moved to Minnesota and earned my Masters in addiction counseling, and worked at Hazelden for a year. I went to work at Addiction Intervention Resources, in St. Paul Minnesota, doing, assessments, interventions and case management work.
After four and one half years, I opened my own business in September 2009, called Resources for Recovery. I specialize in interventions, counseling, assessments, consulting, and Case management.